081-401022, 9858020898

Inclusive Ethos, Innovative Approach

RHERI has gradually expanded its scope of operations, extending its reach beyond the original uprooted people from Rara to encompass the surrounding communities in Banke and Bardiya districts. In fact......

Partnership and Collaboration

RHERI actively collaborates with various government and non-governmental agencies and organizations in the areas of environmental conservation, income generation, drinking water and sanitation project......

Mediation for Local Livelihood

Working in close cooperation with the Bardiya National Park and local communities, RHERI has developed and implemented several programs that reconcile environmental conservation requirements with the......

Gender Empowerment and Employment

RHERI has been actively conducting various vocational training and skill enhancement programs aimed at increasing income and expanding livelihood options for women in poor households. In addition to t......

Education for the person living with disability

Recognizing the special needs of disabled people in Banke district, RHERI has been operating the only school for deaf children in the district since 1999. The Banke Deaf School provides free education......

Human Rights and Local Democracy

RHERI mobilizes local communities and schools at the village development committee (VDC) and ward levels to conduct public discussions and awareness events on various human rights issues such as caste......

Conflict Relief and Rehabilitation

As the armed conflict in Nepal intensified over the past decade, it created hundreds of thousands of victims, including the dead, wounded, orphans, widows, and refugees. RHERI took immediate action to......